
Currently, only the development version of cg_openmm is available.

Download cg_openmm from GitHub using:

git clone

In the base directory of cg_openmm, install using:

python install

To use structural analysis features such as:

  1. predicting a native structure by clustering REMD trajectories

  2. calculating bonded distributions

you will also need to install analyze_foldamers, available through GitHub:

git clone

In the base directory of analyze_foldamers, install using:

python install

Conda environment

cg_openmm is currently tested and maintained on python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

Create an anaconda environment for running cg_openmm by specifying the following dependencies:

conda create -n cg_openmm_env python=3.X mdtraj mpi4py numpy openmm openmmtools physical_validation
pymbar scikit-learn scipy

Alternatively, an environment can be created from one of the .yml files provided with cg_openmm.