Calculating heat capacity

Heat capacity as a function of temperature is a useful indicator of a folding transition. This example calculates the constant volume heat capacity curve and uncertainty from decorrelated replica energies. MBAR reweighting is used to computate the expectation of heat capacity at each temperature of interest, including intermediate states not sampled directly in the replica exchange MD simulation. A bootstrapping scheme is used to compute uncertainty in not only the heat capacity values, but also the melting point (of folding), height of the heat capacity curve relative to the minimum in the temperature range studied, and full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the curve.

import os
import pickle

from cg_openmm.thermo.calc import *
from simtk import unit

# Specify location of the .nc files:
output_directory = "output"
output_data = os.path.join(output_directory, "")

# Specify starting frame and frames between each uncorrelated energy data point:
# These should be determined using process_replica_exchange_data
frame_begin = 20000
sample_spacing = 10

# Calculate heat capacity using mbar and bootstrapping:
(new_temperature_list, C_v, dC_v, Tm_value, Tm_uncertainty,
Cv_height_value, Cv_height_uncertainty, FWHM_value, FWHM_uncertainty) = bootstrap_heat_capacity(